Best of React Projects

ReactJS is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook and is currently maintained by Facebook and a community of developers.

React allows developers to create reusable UI components, making it easier to build complex applications with a modular approach.

React is also known for its efficient rendering process, using a virtual DOM to minimize the number of actual DOM manipulations needed.

This makes React a popular choice for building large-scale, high-performance web applications.

I had the opportunity to work with React in personal projects and professionally. I will be listing some of my best projects here so check back often for updates.

React Projects:

    • Match with React – This project was a Udemy project using React to create a small Concentration type matching game.
    • Local weather App using Next.js
    • and more to come…
  • Project Types: React
  • React Documentation: The official website for Angular, maintained by the Angular team at Google. The website has comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and guides for developers who want to learn how to use Angular.
  • React Bootstrap: A library that provides developers with pre-built UI components that can be easily integrated into React applications. This library is built on top of Bootstrap, a popular CSS framework for building responsive web applications, and provides developers with a range of pre-built components, such as buttons, forms, and modal windows.
  • Redux: A library that provides developers with a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. This library can be used with React to manage the state of an application in a predictable way.